Are you interested in sleeving the cards for your games? Use this handy guide to determine the card quantities and sizes available in each volume.


Quantities by Volume

Vol1 Core
Card Type Size Qty
Race Cards 70 mm x 110 mm 24
Circumstance 63.5 mm x 88.9 mm 54
Quest 63.5 mm x 88.9 mm 54
Power Up 63.5 mm x 88.9 mm 54
Vol1 Exp
Vol2 Core
Vol2 Exp
Vol3 Core
Vol3 Exp
Vol4 Core
Vol4 Exp

*Dry Erasable Content: Please note that Traits and Familiars are dry-erasable, and are meant to be written on. If you intend on sleeving these, you'll need to take them out in order to use them.

Total Quantities

If you own all HEXplore It products, use the numbers below:

Card Type Size Vol1 Vol2 Vol3 Vol4 Misc Total
Cards (Large) 70 mm x 110 mm 51 36 56 62 12 215
Cards (Medium) 63.5 mm x 88.9 mm 270 270 268 324 587 1507
Cards (Small) 44 mm x 67 mm 0 0 132 112 0 244